Artists Statement for Tour: Blue School studio tour 2015
Normally, I would classify myself as a figurative oil painter. The body is infinitely fascinating and provides an endless resource. However, for the Blue School Studio tour I decided to focus on a collection of landscapes. For about 20 years, I have been doing what I like to call “mini masterpieces”. I guess you would call these my calisthenics as an artist. I make them to keep me on my toes. They are a very practical way of allowing me to stay open with mark making, color choice and experiment with abstraction. Some have taken years to make and some only a few hours. Over the years I have kept and feel these are the most successful ones. In viewing them think that they have become their own little gems. They are shiny, accessible, and small enough that anyone can hold their own little world in the palm of their hand. A little art masterpiece like a snapshot of a memory of a place or feeling. Clearly, I like the intimacy of them, drawing the viewer to look closer at the texture and color. Perhaps, impose their hopes, sense of ownership over these little worlds and maybe even keep them in their pockets. Feel free to take them off the wall, interact and touch them like you would a photograph.